Student Holding Florida Tech Flag on College Colors Day
Student Health Insurance Program

To continue providing affordable health insurance coverage for our students, Florida Tech partners with  UnitedHealthcare as our student health insurance provider in accordance with the University Student Health Insurance Plan.

Student health insurance is mandatory for full-time undergraduate (12 or more credits) and graduate (9 or more credits) students, including those enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. Online students and students attending classes at an Education Center or through Florida Tech Online do not meet the eligibility requirements. These credit hour requirements are set forth by the insurance company and not Florida Tech.

All students that meet the parameters listed above must either opt-in/keep or waive the student health insurance coverage. Waivers are available to full-time, domestic undergraduate and graduate students only. International students may not opt out of the university's student health insurance plan.  

All registered Undergraduate students taking twelve (12) or more credit hours and graduate students taking nine (9) or more credits are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan, unless proof of other comparable coverage can be provided. Eligible students who do enroll may also enroll their eligible Dependents including Domestic Partners on a voluntary basis. Completing a waiver is an annual requirement. All enrollment or waiver selections must be completed during enrollment period.

Waiving the Student Health Insurance

Please watch this short video: "How to Waive Coverage."

Florida Tech requires students to carry personal health insurance. If you are currently covered by a comparable health insurance coverage through the end of the academic year, you may be able to waive automatic enrollment in the school-sponsored plan by following these steps:

  • Have your school ID number and current insurance information ready.
  • Access the WAIVER here:
  • Check to see whether the waiver was accepted or denied after you complete the process; if denied, you will get an email with instructions on the appeals process.

International Students

It is mandatory for all international students to be covered by the university's health insurance plan. Exceptions may be granted only if you have an insurance plan that meets very strict requirements in order for you to qualify for a waiver. Florida Tech will not accept coverage by an insurance company outside the United States. 

Opting In to the Student Health Insurance Program

 Please watch this short video: "How to Opt-In."

Opt-In here:

Once you have opted in, you must create your User Account. UnitedHealthcare offers a full demonstration on how to create your user account: Watch this video on creating an account: UHC Video  For help with the UnitedHealthcare website, contact UnitedHealthcare customer service at 1-800-767-0700.

After creating your user account, you can find the student health insurance Certificate of Coverage, print your student health insurance card, add a dependent, and access other helpful information regarding the available services or general health information.

Have questions about health insurance? Contact UnitedHealthcare Customer Service at 1-800-767-0700.

Part-time Students

Students with at least 6 credits (undergrad/grad) and/or students who have waived in the past may voluntarily enroll in the Student Health Insurance Program. Select the type of plan you want and click Explore Policy then Enroll Now.

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